Mayor's Office


Bob RialBob Rial, Mayor

Mayor Rial was re-elected to his fourth term as Dickson County Mayor in August of 2022. First elected in August, 2010, he garnered 54% of the vote in a four-way contest. He was subsequently re-elected in August, 2014, for his second four-year term winning with 66% of the vote. He was unopposed in 2018. Prior to his election, Rial had a 27-year career in finance and banking. He served on the Dickson City Council for seven years, 2003 – 2010.

A graduate of Dickson County High School, Rial graduated from the University of Tennessee at Martin in 1982 with a degree in Public Administration. While there, he also earned a certificate in Government Management from the International City/County Management Association. As mayor, Rial has earned two designations from the University of Tennessee Institute for Public Service: Certified Public Administrator and Tennessee Certified Economic Developer. He is also a graduate of the Harvard University Kennedy School of Government program for Senior Executives in State and Local Government.

Mayor Rial was appointed to serve on the Tennessee Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations. He was appointed by Governor Bill Haslam and re-appointed by Governor Bill Lee to serve as a member of the Tennessee Underground Storage Tanks and Solid Waste Disposal Control Board. Rial has also served as the chairman for the Mid-Cumberland Human Resource Agency, Greater Nashville Regional Council and the Tennessee Association of County Mayors.

Mayor Rial has been married to his wife, Joan, for 40 years. She is the director of the local senior center. They have two children, Daniel and Rebecca, and one grandchild, Julien Patrick. Daniel and his wife Amanda work as family counselors and Rebecca works as a manager for Amazon.


Duties of the Mayor

The Mayor is the chief executive officer of the county. He manages the day to day operation of his office and county government that is not specifically designated to the other elected officials. Mayor Rial was elected by the County Commission to serve as Chairman.  The Mayor serves as a nonvoting member of each committee of the county commission and of each board, commission or authority of the county government.  The Mayor appoints members of county boards and commissions and county department heads. Appointees shall be subject to confirmation by the county legislative body. 

The most important duty of Mayor is to work with the citizens and other elected officials to build a positive environment in Dickson County to accomplish the goals of its people.


Contact the Mayor's Office

» Email the Mayor's Office
(615) 789-7003


Star Moore, Chief Deputy to the Mayor

Maggie Nicholson, Assistant


Dickson County Administration Building
4 Court Square
P.O. Box 267
Charlotte, TN 37036

About Dickson County

Founded in 1803, Dickson County was named for William Dickson, a Nashville physician and legislator who reportedly was a friend of President Andrew Jackson. Dickson County's rich history includes industry in the iron furnaces of Cumberland Furnace.